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basic time中文是什么意思

用"basic time"造句"basic time"怎么读"basic time" in a sentence


  • 基本时间
  • 基本时限


  • In order to measure these various cycles accurately, we need a basic time unit .
  • Compelling arguments demonstrate the superiority of basic timing over buy - and - hold , while step - by - step instructions show how uncomplicated timing can be
  • I ve also added throwable handling to the basic timing code , so that when a method exits through a throw rather than a normal return the basic thrown information will be included in the trace
  • For a first look at axis execution , i want to see a basic time distribution that gives me an idea which parts of the code are taking the longest to execute along with the paths that led to those parts , of course
    初步观察axis执行时,我想看看基本时间分布,这可让我了解代码的哪些部分执行的时间最长(当然还有到达这些部分的路径) 。
  • To benefit from the project interviews mentioned earlier , create the lightest methodology you can even imagine working for the cell in the grid , one in which person - to - person communication is enhanced as much as possible , and running tested code is the basic timing marker
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